To kick off the new year, we partnered with Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) and Institut Penyiaran & Penerangan Tun Abdul Razak (IPPTAR) to hold a three-day Historical Documentary Workshop for 10 filmmakers who flew all the way in from Afghanistan! The workshop was lead by our very own local documentary filmmakers and trainers; Lara Ariffin, Wong Chin Hor, Justin Ong, Ahmad Yazid & Naveen Jayabalan.

Day 1:
Lara shared about the ins and outs of running a production from a producer's standpoint. This include topics ranging from storytelling to pitching and funding.
Chin Hor wrapped up the day to lend his expertise as a documentary cameraman to talk about the importance of having a DOP who is invested in the story, and someone who is alert and always aware of story developments.
Day 2:
Justin used his latest documentary 'Bangkit' as a case study to show the different techniques that can be employed when using historical archives.
Yazid took over the second half of the day to teach the participants the art of interviews. He showed examples of body & verbal languages that can make your interviewee feel at ease in order to get the best possible outcome from an interview.
Day 3:
Naveen lead the session on VR360 and presented ideas on how to use the immersive technology in documentaries. The participants had the chance to view existing 360 documentaries and look at the different types of camera equipment available for this medium.
We had such a productive time and was honoured to be a part of this cross-cultural and educational exchange! For more images, please visit our gallery.