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NBCNews Archives is one of the oldest and largest broadcast libraries in the world. As a MyDocs member you can now enjoy a 15% discount when using archives from
The non-profit organisation Documentary Campus has provided thousands of documentary-makers with the skills and contacts to make their films and have them broadcast around the world. Films developed through Documentary Campus have entertained, informed and inspired; they’ve been applauded and awarded - with nominations for Oscars and Emmys.
The non-profit organisation Documentary Campus has provided thousands of documentary-makers with the skills and contacts to make their films and have them broadcast around the world. Films developed through Documentary Campus have entertained, informed and inspired; they’ve been applauded and awarded - with nominations for Oscars and Emmys.
Congress is the home of smart content—an event where content creators, producers, broadcasters and distributors can be on the cutting edge of working in science, history and non-fiction media. A place to discover the future trends and technology across all platforms and connect with the creators and executives leading your field. MyDocs members will receive a 20% discount to attend Congress 2018 in Brisbane, Australia this 27th - 30th November!
The non-profit organisation Documentary Campus has provided thousands of documentary-makers with the skills and contacts to make their films and have them broadcast around the world. Films developed through Documentary Campus have entertained, informed and inspired; they’ve been applauded and awarded - with nominations for Oscars and Emmys.